Noise Guidance
The Environmental Protection Team frequently receive complaints about noise from Entertainment Venues and Public Houses, particularly during the summer months.
A noise guidance has been prepared to assist venue operators and Licensees in controlling noise from their premises and should be considered as 'Good Practice'. See under Downloads/Links.
Noisy Neighbours
Everyone must expect some noise from their neighbours from time to time. However, this can become unreasonable and cause disturbance especially if at unreasonable times or for prolonged periods.
For further information and advice on noisy neighbours please refer to our leaflet under Download/Links.
To register a complaint:
If you wish to register a complaint regarding noise issues which are affecting you please complete our on-line complaint form
- Defra
- Noise Guidance information (pdf, 136.1kb)
- Noisy Neighbours Information Leaflet (pdf, 3533.2kb)
(This should be printed 'back to back') - Anti Social Behaviour Leaflet (pdf, 1071.6kb)
- On-line complaint form
- Environmental Protection Team
Tel: (01444) 477292
Email: - For information on
anti social behaviour:
Community Safety Team
Tel: (01444) 477489 - West Sussex Mediation Service
Alphacom House
8A Oakhill Road
RH13 5SB
Tel: (01403) 258900