Openess and Transparency Code - under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, and the Transparency Code (see below), the Parish Council is obliged to publish-

(1) the Certificate of Exemption (where applicable in any year) - this is where income and expenditure in the relevant year is less than £25,000, so that a full external audit is not required, (2) the Annual internal audit report, (3) the Annual Governance Statement, (4) the Accounting Statements, (5) Analysis of variances, (6) the end of year Bank reconciliation Statement, (7) Notice of the period of the exercise of public rights and other information required by regulation 15(2) of the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (this is posted on the Home page as at the relevant date).


 FOR THE LAST FINANCIAL YEAR 2023/24 (01.04.23 to 31.03.24)

Please find the the Certificate of Exemption (1), the internal Audit report (2), the Annual Governance Statement (3), and the Accounting Statement (4) all HERE. For document (5) HERE, and document (6) HERE. Please also see HERE for the full internal audit report.



In addition to the Agendas and Minutes of meetings, the Parish Council is required to publish the following information, under the provisions of the Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015. This is for Authorities with an annual turn over not exceeding £25,000. 

  • All items of expenditure and income above £100. Please click HERE to view a copy of the Cash Book for the financial year 2014/15. Please click HERE to view a copy of the Cash Book for the year 2015/16, HERE for the year 2016/17, HERE for the year 2017/18, HERE for the year 2018/19,  HERE for the year 2019/20, HERE for the year 2020/21, and HERE for the year 2021/22. 
  • End of year accounts, being the Certificate of Exemption (where applicable), the Annual Governance Statement, the Annual Accounting Statement, and the Internal Auditor's report. For the year 2014/15, please click HERE  and for the year 2015/16, please click HERE. For the year 2016/17, please click HERE. For 2017/18 please click HERE. For 2018/19 please click HERE. For 2019/20 please click HERE. For 2020/21 please click HERE and for 2021/22 please click HERE 
  • The end of year Bank Reconciliation Statement for the relevant year. For 2015/16, please click HERE, for 2016/17 HERE, for 2017/18 HERE, for 2018/19 HERE, for 2019/20, HERE for 2020/21 and HERE for 2021/22.
  • The end of year explanation of significant variances. For 2015/16, please click HERE, for 2016/17 HERE, for 2027/18 HERE, for 2018/19 HERE,  for 2019/20 HERE, for 2020/21 HERE and for 2021/22 HERE

  • List of Councillor responsibilities:-

    Councillor Joy Parks: Millennium Garden and footpaths.
    Councillor Di Smith (Howard): Recreation Ground issues (Ground owned and managed by Mid Sussex District Council), Village Hall lead.
    Councillor Suzi Sawyer: (Tree Warden), trees and hedges, Village Hall liaison.
    Councillor John Drew: Traffic, speeding, and HGVs.
    Councillor Shane Axtell (Operation Watershed and flooding).
    Councillor Imelda Spencer (Speedwatch).
    Councillor John Spencer (Planning).

  •   Details of public land and building assets:-

      1. Albourne Village Hall - owned (leasehold) by the Parish Council as sole managing and custodian Trustee.
          (The freehold is held by Mid Sussex District Council.)
      2. Millennium Garden, the Street
      3. Medieval Pound, junction of B2116 Henfield Road, with the Street.
      4. The allotment Garden, the Street (currently split into 6 plots).